Returning products

info, tips & conditions

Do you want to return a product?

Return instructions

To return a product, download our return form from this page, or use the return form that came with your order. Fill out the form completely and then follow the next steps:

  1. Report your return stating the order number at;
  2. Fill out the form completely;
  3. Put the unused product in its original packaging and shipping box. Include the return form;
  4. Send the package to: Tess Products, Takkebijsters 54 4817 BL Breda.

Did you order a custom made item? Unfortunately, we do not take these back.



We would like to receive the products neatly returned. Therefore, make sure:

  • Items are complete,
  • the items are in the original, undamaged packaging,
  • and the copy invoice and return form are attached.

Pack the items well so they will not be damaged in transit. Do this in the original packaging to save material and make sure the address label is legible.


Take the package to a post office of your choice. Here you will receive a shipping receipt. Keep it safe until the return is fully processed. This is your proof that the package was actually sent and it can be asked for in case of loss in transit.

Once the return has been processed with us, you will be notified automatically. Of course, we try to do this as soon as possible. Haven’t heard from us after 14 days? If this happens, please contact us.


We will transfer the purchase cost to you within 14 days of revocation.

If the item is returned to us in good condition, you will receive a full refund. The original shipping cost will not be returned.

We will transfer the purchase price back to you within 14 days of withdrawal, using the same payment system you used to make your payment. Is this not working out? Then we will contact you.

Did you place an order where you took advantage of a discount promotion and, because of your return, the order no longer meets the original promotion conditions? Then the right to discount is forfeited.

Return shipping costs are at your own expense. Are you returning a product because it was damaged or delivered incorrectly? Then we will reimburse these costs afterwards. This is done by mutual agreement.

Custom made items can not be returned.