Bianca Titanium Bit Fixed Rings | Fager

Fager Bianca Titanium is a good choice if you would describe your horse as follows:

  • Irregular in the connection.
  • Slow in responding to your aids.
  • Feels stiff and strong to ride
  • Is sensitive to pressure on the layers.


Bianca Titanium Bit Fixed Rings | Fager


Bianca Titanium Bit Fixed Rings | Fager

Fager Bianca Titanium is a good choice if you would describe your horse as follows:

  • Irregular in the connection.
  • Slow in responding to your aids.
  • Feels stiff and strong to ride
  • Is sensitive to pressure on the layers.

The Bianca is a durable and lightweight double-jointed Titanium bit.

Titanium is used because it helps to offer constant and friendly communication with your horse through the reins.

The shape of the mouthpiece, combined with the short centerpiece, eliminates any interference with the palate as the articulations are positioned to the outside of the tongue.

The Titanium Roller gives your horse something to play with, the Bianca is a good choice if the horse feels stiff in the mouth.

Bianca is a very versatile bit and suits a variety of different horses, which is why it is well worth trying out.

Don’t be surprised if this becomes your horse’s new favorite bit!

Note: Bianca has the same mouthpiece as the Alice. Bianca is the snaffle version = normal sized rings. Alice is the bradoon version with smaller rings.